Today it was time to move on to my next destination in England. My train from Plymouth to Cheltenham Spa departed at 11:25 which meant I could have a slow morning. After essentially repacking my suitcase I made it to the train station in plenty of time. Luckily the train started from Plymouth so it was already waiting for boarding.
I haven't travelled with this particular train company before. The seats were very comfortable and I was very happy with the location I had chosen.
The journey took 2.5h through the variety of scenery I have come to expect and enjoy.
The most populous area we went through was Bristol toward the end of the journey.
Parked in Bristol station was a steam engine with these carriages. Maybe that's what I should book on my next trip?
By this time the weather was looking quite grey and wet.
The train arrived on time and I got a taxi to the hotel.