It was odd sleeping in a single bed last night. It's been along time. But this guest house is very comfortable and it was lovely to have a home style breakfast this morning.
I managed to get out by 8:30am which gave me plenty of time to get on the 9:10am train to Penzance. As I walked to the station I heard the bird call from Kate Bush's album Aerial. It was note perfect!
I bought the 1 day Ride Cornwall ticket which allowed me to travel on as many trains and busses in Cornwall as I like in 24h for £10. I definitely got my money's worth today.
As I was waiting for the train I couldn't help notice all the locals in their t-shirts and shorts while I was rugged up in jeans, t-shirt, jumper and jacket.
The journey down there took about 2.5h but was full of interesting and beautiful scenery. These rows upon rows of houses as we left Plymouth were so striking.
Then it was into the open countryside dotted with towns and rivers.
This scene caught my attention with multiple generations of industry.
And of course we passed many stations.
Then more rivers and inlets.
When we reached Penzance it was clear that the tide was out.
I wandered around. It's quite a grey looking town but you can just feel the history of it.
The weather was very blustery and there were numerous flocks of seagulls circling around.
I stopped at a little caravan cafe on the foreshore for a ginger beer scone with lime curd and coffee.
After wandering around some more I made it back to the train station to catch the train back to St Erth. From there I took a short train trip to St Ives.
As the train came around the corner and St Ives came in to view my breath was a little taken away. It looks so pretty even with the tide out. I can't imagine what it looks like when the tide is in.
All around St Ives are some very un-English-y sandy beaches.
I wandered along the promenade. There were so many people out and about. Must get crazy here in summer. I stopped for a Cornish pasty (naturally) which I devoured looking out to sea. This guy was hoping for a bit but it was too good to share.
I finished off by wandering through the back streets and checking out some of the many galleries.
By the time I got back to Plymouth it was dinner time so I regrouped and headed out to the area where most of the restaurants are. I'm not so good at solo dining but I was determined to get out there and overcome my fears. Good news is I had a great meal and nobody died.