One of the reasons for staying in apartments during some of this trip was so I could do some washing. Last night I put on a load. By the time I went to bed it was still going. I went to bed anyway, thinking it would finish soon. This was about 9:00pm. I was tired and fell into a deep sleep. When I woke around 1:00am the washing machine was still going! I reckon it got itself stuck in some kind of loop. I tried changing the cycle to drain the machine but it just kept filling itself up. So I turned the water inlet tap off. Finally, the machine drained. I was able to spin the load but I couldn't get the drier to work. I went back to bed to leave it for the morning. This morning I tried again with no success. I was going to have to dry the clothes in the room. I was worried that might take a while so I cranked up the heating.
I wanted to visit York Minster today, so after messing with the washing machine and having my breakfast I headed out. I intended to be there ready for opening time at 9:00am.
In the early morning I was able to walk through the city. I discovered a number of narrow streets lined with quaint shops in varying styles, some dating back to the 1400s. With hardly anyone around, it should have been the perfect time for pictures but the light wasn't very helpful. I took better pictures when I came back later in the day.
There are lots of sweet shops.
When I got to York Minster it was hard not to be impressed by the grandeur. It was equally hard to fit into one photograph! As I marvelled at the size I reflected on how much more imposing it would have been in the 1400s when it was finished and the buildings around it would still have been small.
As impressive as the scale of the building is, the architecture has an unsettling side to it. I couldn't help seeing the structure as an instrument of power and control over the people.
Inside was equally as impressive. Again, it was difficult to capture the scale in a single picture and what should be the most cavernous part was inaccessible due to stage and seating being constructed for upcoming performances. Nonetheless, I managed to see most of it. These are only a few of the shots I took.
Beneath the Minster is a crypt with interesting artifacts including parts of earlier Roman buildings.
It was possible to climb the 276 steps to the central tower, which of course I did. The steps were really narrow all the way up.
Half way up we walked along the roof line. Check out those flying buttresses.
The views were spectacular.
In one direction I could zoom in to make out the silhouette of a massive power station on the horizon.
I ended up spending a couple of hours in the Minster. Longer than I'd expected. Afterwards I walked back through the streets which were busier by now. There is an open air market, part food and part crafts. I bought a little print of a painting by a local artist.
At some stage I needed to pick up tickets for my next train trip on Wednesday. I had purchase them in Australia but needed to pick them up from the station. I also need to reserve seats. Unfortunately, I accidentally left my credit card in the machine (more about that in another post).
I rang the apartment agency regarding the washing machine. They were understanding and are trying to get someone to look at it. They gave me some tips on how I might be able to get the load I've done dry and they're drying nicely now. It will be nice to have some clean clothes.
Around 2:30pm I made my way to the river to join a 45 min river cruise. It took us a little way along the river in each direction. The guide was very informative, but there wasn't an awful lot to see that I hadn't already seen on foot.
I spent the remainder of the day wandering around, taking more photos. I won't post them here due to slow wifi.
All things considered, it was a good day. Just a couple of bumps along the way.