When I awoke the weather looked better than I had expected. I was feeling a bit shady but decided to drag myself up and make the most of it. I thought it would be good to get some views of Central Park in good light so started making my way uptown.
The High Line used to be an elevated freight rail line running along the west side of Manhattan. Now it's been converted to a wonderful walkway. It means you can walk from 14th to 34th without encountering a single car.
Today there were some artists along the way and I bought a beautiful little print from a guy who makes them with a pinhole camera.
In some places the old rail lines have been retained.
Being above the road gave some great opportunities to photo the streets that I'd missed.
After the High Line I made my way along 5th Avenue until I made it to the park. Along the way I grabbed this opportunity to photo one of the massive avenues.
The first part of the park was more natural and hilly than I'd expected. There was a geat little pond already full with boaters.
For a while I assumed that was how all of the park was, but I kept on walking and came across the main reservoir and some more wide open spaces.
The park is massive. At times you could forget you're in New York, but it's not long before you'll get a reminder.
I'd walked a long way so I decided to take the subway back to the hotel. Unfortunately I got my uptown and downtown mixed up and ended up on the wrong platform. Luckily an attendant at the station helped me out and I ended up on the right train. It was a long way from 86th to 14th!
After re-grouping for a while I headed to the east to catch the Brooklyn Bridge. I took the subway again to Chambers Street. By the time I made it to the bridge it was full of people. Very few were crossing; most were like me, just making it to the first viewing platform and then returning.