In no particular order ...
People here are generally really friendly and really polite. Noticeably so!
Traffic lights often flash green. Haven't worked that one out yet.
The other day in Vancouver I saw a squirrel run across a main road. He survived.
They've started some Halloween decorations already. Some supermarkets have massive crates of equally massive pumpkins on the sidewalk for sale.
It's doing my head in working out whether to look to the left or right before crossing a road. So I just look everywhere. Twice! At least!
I read it's customary to tip housekeeping when staying in a hotel. One article suggested leaving it with a note. So each day I write "Thank You" on a piece of paper and put my tip on it. A lot about tipping doesn't really gel with me, but this I like. It makes it feel more personal.
I only realised the other day that their 5 cent coin is bigger than their 10 cent coin. No wonder I was getting confused.
To me, the pedestrian crossing noise here sounds like bird chirping. There appears to be more than one sound. Is it just my imagination?
I was surprised how many French speakers I overheard in Vancouver. I assumed they were mainly over in the east.
In Canada, a drug store is more than a chemist. It's often more like a mini-mart.
I realised on the train for the first time that others sometimes have trouble understanding MY accent. I always thought it was just the other way around. So stupid of me.
All the buildings in downtown Vancouver have exactly the same colour glass. You notice it when you go to another city. It makes Vancouver feel very homogenous, but in a good way.