After walking all morning I was exhausted again by 2:30 so I decided to call it a day. The weather was turning nasty and soon the constant rain on the windows validated my decision.
Sitting in my room, thumbing through the pictures of the day and writing down words is fun. But I can't stop that little voice in my head that keeps telling me I should have been more social. I've certainly had the opportunity. Davie Street is filled with places to go and part of me feels I ought to have made an effort to meet some locals.
I think the real reason I haven't is that I know it would just have been a "box ticking" exercise. There are things I don't do out of fear; fear of making a mistake or looking stupid. This trip has suffered from a couple of those moments, but not too many so far. Then there are things I don't do because I really don't want to; I just think I should. So far, being social (or unsocial to be precise) is a bit of both but mainly the latter. I know that later in my trip I will be forced to get out more; I won't have the sanctuary of an apartment to retreat to. There will be many social opportunities for the taking. I just need to stop beating myself up about the now.