After yesterday's adventure I was hobbling around when I got up this morning with sore muscles and a blister on the bottom of one foot. I've decided that I must prepare better for my next trip and toughen up my feet.
For today, I thought of putting together a plan to visit some of the villages in the Peak District. This is an area I haven't explored yet and the man on the train from Llandudno had given me a number of recommendations. However, in the end I realised that a rushed one day plan was not going to do the region justice. Added to that, the area is to the east of Manchester and there was a forecast of rain. I decided that I should add the area to my "to visit" list for my next trip and do it properly.
So, in order to treat my feet with kindness, I decided to do some activities in Manchester.
After a very relaxed start to the day I headed to the Imperial War Museum "North". The focus of this museum of the IWM is the impact of war on individuals. To get there I was going to need to get my head around the tram system. Manchester has what looks like a great network of shiny new trams. When you see them in the streets they warn pedestrians with an unexpected but very endearing whistley "toot" sound. I researched my options and decided on day tripper ticket to allow me to get around as much as I liked.
I caught a tram on the D line to Salford Quay at 10:40am. It took only about 10-15min. It was a short walk to the museum but I had to wait a few minutes for this bridge to lower.
The museum building is very striking. It's made up from there shards representing conflict on land, in air and on water.
As with the IWM in London, it was an extremely well designed museum. I spent quite some time strolling through the chronological display. On each hour a different film consumed all the walls of the main exhibition area. I watched 3 of them but the first was the most moving. It focussed on the impact of war on children and I have to admit I had to struggle to keep it together.
After a delicious but late lunch at the cafe I decided I had time to fit in one other museum. I headed back to central Manchester and to the People's History Museum. On the way I noticed some interesting architecture. I could definitely have a field day here with my camera if I had sufficient time. I only took a few shots, including this of the very impressive town hall.
The People's History Museum was all about the struggle for people's rights and the evolution of voting an politics in the UK. There was also an exhibition on the journey to LGBT+ rights in the UK and around the world. Another fantastic museum.
By now it was nearly 5:00pm and time to get back. I'll have a quiet night tonight and repack my bags before moving on to my next destination tomorrow.