After waking up to another beautiful London morning I did some domestics then headed out with my camera in the general direction of an exhibition of Kate photographs. On the way I encountered the kind of diverse architecture I've come to expect and love from London. Here are some of my favourite
I made it to the exhibition and bought two books; keepsakes, reminders and things of beauty.
After that it was time to make my way back to the apartment and get ready. I was feeling a really strange mixture of excitement, nervousness and disbelief.
First objective was to catch the tube from Russell Square to Hammersmith (and play spot the Kate goers with myself on the way). On arrival I eventually found my way to the box office and the illusive ticket. Relief, excitement and disbelief (again). I knew some people were meeting at the Swan beforehand but I needed some time to chill out. Sounds so melodramatic to me now, but it still rings true to the moment.
Made it to the Swan, met some lovely people, shared our love of Kate. Then it was time to make my way to the venue for the hospitality package. This hadn't been my choice, but was the only option for a second night ticket. The venue was a church next to the theatre. I'm kicking myself now for not taking a pic of the interior, but here is one of the outside.
Inside we were seated for a gourmet hamper.
I must admit, I struggled to eat ... too excited, but it was delicious all the same. I kept the menu.
Seated in between total strangers I felt shy but brave enough to reach out and chat with my neighbours. So many different stories, nationalities, ages ... but one thing in common. The chap to the left of me, Dan, was from Bedfordshire and we talked quite a bit. When it came to the topic of seat location we realised we were seated together in the theatre also! That's pretty coincidental considering we had been seated at random in the church. I have to admit it was nice to have a new Kate buddy to share the excitement with. We were seated in row S.
The first row was row E, so S is a good distance. Tonight I will be in row F, which will be a whole different experience! But I feel privileged to have had the contrast of both. And the venue was perfect for this event.
And as for the show? My words can't do it justice, so I will leave it to the others who have already reviewed. This is just one.