I have a spreadsheet. Actually, I have many spreadsheets. One is for planning my budget and comparing options. One is for checking that I'm allowing enough time at each location to do everything I want to. But the one I'm looking at this evening is the one for counting down the days. Now, I know it's not wise to wish one's life away, but having visibility of my timeline does help keep the excitement levels up as I wait.
Plans for my North American trip have advanced since my last post. As my spreadsheet reminds me, in 121 days I leave for Vancouver where I'll spend 5 nights. Then I catch the train for 4 nights across Canada to Toronto. I haven't decided about the next few days and it's kind of nice leaving them unplanned for now. Then I head to Washington DC for a couple of days before finally making it to New York where I'll stay for 12 nights. Very happy to be staying there for a decent stretch.
But the biggest thing to happen to my schedule since my last post was completely unexpected when I started out planning my trip. In March, Kate Bush unexpectedly announced she would perform her first live shows in 35 years, in London in September. Kate is one of my musical heroes and this was an opportunity I wasn't going to squander. So, even though I already have my trip to North America booked in for October I'll also be heading to London for a week in September; I have tickets for two of the shows! And that trip begins in only 89 days (thank you spreadsheet).
Though the title of this blog only mentions North America, I'm going to use it to document the whole journey from Adelaide to Singapore to London to Adelaide to Hong Kong to Vancouver to Toronto to Washington DC to New York to home and everywhere in between.