I woke around 7:00 which is almost late for me. Opening my eyes I instantly felt thankful that I hadn't gone out last night. Being reclusive has it's upside and this morning I felt fresh enough to get up and out early. The skies were already overcast and, given yesterday's change in weather, I didn't want to risk squandering the dry part of the day.
Today's objective was to explore Stanley Park; a massive reserve adjacent to downtown Vancouver. To get there I still needed to navigate the streets of the city.
The first intersection was this one on Davie that I'm already quite familiar with. In the quiet of a Sunday morning I took the ooppportunity to take a picture. Rainbow crossing.
My route took me through some gorgeous streets and very distinctive houses and buildings.
By the time I made it to West Georgia Street I'd returned to the more familiar glass high rises. But this building, perched on a small pedestal stood out.
On the edge of Stanley Park I came across this lady. She wasn't very talkative.
I have so many pictures from the park that I'm going to write a separate post for them.