I set off in a generally eastward direction. I needed some cash and I figured my chances were likely to be most quickly realised there. Once the cash was extracted and travel card successfully engaged for the first time, it was time to wander.
I made my way to the east side of downtown and it wasn't long before I reached the shore. Across the bay are spectacular mountains that were partly shrouded with cloud.
There was a park and walkway so I decided to follow it. I like the contrast of the glass high rises peeking over the treetops.
Something about these benches, aligned to the gentle curve of the path, caught my attention.
It wasn't long before I came to a "water play" area for kids along with a cute little bit of street art.
While I was walking a number of sea planes landed in the bay, and a little tug made it's way slowly past.
Next was the convention centre and Canada Place. Shortly after I got there I saw throngs of kids milling around and I wondered if it was going to be frustrating navigating around them. It wasn't. I eventually realised they were groups of school kids armed with iPads and a list of photographic assignments. I ended up being the "here's a picture of us and a tourist" guy ... twice. (So much for trying not to look too much like a tourist!) But what struck me most was how articulate and incredibly polite these kids were. Come to think of it, so far EVERYONE here has been noticeably friendly and polite.
This is a picture of the convention centre taken from Canada Place. I think some of those school kids are still down there.
There were a number of great vantage points to enjoy the spectacular view across the bay.
But the glass of the convention centre also provided a canvas to highlight the sea birds swooping and swarming nearby.
Next I turned westward into what I assume is the CBD.
Early on today I noticed that the pedestrian lights here are unlike any I have seen anywhere else. It strikes me as unusual that they should be so different.
It wasn't long before I stumbled across this building. At first I only saw one side. But then I realised the words continued around the corner.
They say "lying on top of a building ... lying on top of a building ... lying on top of a building the clouds looked no nearer than when I was lying on the street".
Dotted in between the numerous glass and concrete towers were a few classically ornate treasures.
And I love how new can be designed to pay respect to the old.
Vancouver is very green. Lots of tree line streets. Many are starting to change colour but so far I haven't seen anything yet quite as vivid as I saw in Berlin this time last year. Hopefully soon.
When I arrived last night I noticed many overhead wires. I assumed they were for trams. Well trams like we have in Australia, at least. Today I realised they are more like busses connected to the grid.
And speaking of the grid, when I stumbled across the first lane like this I couldn't quite make sense of it. Just doesn't seem to fit in here.
By now it had started to rain lightly so I decided to make my way back to the apartment/hotel. I noticed a sculpture that was begging me to take this picture.
Time to regroup for a bit.