Along the way I acquired a number of guides and books, partly necessitating an additional suitcase on my return. Most are self explanatory, but I will elaborate where necessary.
- TRANSCENDENCE: On my last day in London I was strolling along Southbank and came across a guy busking under Blackfriars Bridge. He was creating beautiful ambient soundscapes and I listened for a while. I'd made my mind to leave a little more than I would normally and his response was to hand me one of his CDs. It was a lovely exchange. You can check him out on SoundCloud at JustJoseph.
- BEFORE THE DAWN (KATE BUSH): This is the CD of her shows in London in 2014. I attended two of the performances and already have this album on digital. But I wanted to get the physical copy to get the liner notes. I've had trouble finding it in Adelaide.
- WELCOME JOY AND WELCOME SORROW (SPIRO): Spiro are an English folk band we heard at Womadelaide last year. Again I've had trouble tracking them down in Adelaide and figured it would be easier to find in London.
- ON THE NIGHT BUS: A while back I read an article about this piece of work. The photos are amazing. I found the book in the shop at The Photographer's Gallery in London. You can read more and see some photos at On The Night Bus.
- ABANDONED PLACES: I found this book at Tate Modern. It's a collection of fantastic photos taken of completely abandoned buildings and landscapes. Quite eerie.
- WHY FONTS MATTER: Well I bought this because fonts DO matter!
- I bought the two photography books to help me think more outside the box a little and to help me improve my eye as much as my technique.
- I acquired the artwork in the top left corner from a gallery in Llandudno. The artist Caroline Rees combines her contemporary and stylised design with the traditional technique of paper cutting. She loves simple, bold and graphic imagery and is inspired by primitive art, Scandinavian textiles, her Welsh heritage and the beautiful Gower landscape where she lives. She likes to create quirky and humorous designs which make you smile.
- OUR SONGBIRDS: This is is a lighthearted look at songbirds or Britain with beautiful illustrations and a cheeky narrative.
- The mug and puzzle came from Broadway Tower.
- KINGS & QUEENS OF ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND: I just bought this because I'm always looking up who was who in British royalty and this has the information all in one place.
- The various guide books are all pretty self explanatory.